I was asked by
Maria to open a book and read (write) 5 lines (from line 5, page 123 ) to the blogosphere...
My first choice was The prince of tides (by Pat Conroy) but I couldn't find it (a friend's probably reading it). I really loved that one (read it last summer while I was on a training session in Dublin).
So, here's my second choice, a really good one though: Zoli by Colum Mc Cann.
Maria m'a demandé d'ouvrir un livre et de lire (hum...écrire) 5 lignes (à partir de la 5e ligne, page 123) à la blogosphère...Mon 1er choix était Le prince des marées (de Pat Conroy) mais impossible de le trouver (une amie est cartainement en train de le lire). J'ai beaucoup aimé ce roman (l'ai lu l'été dernier pendant mon stage à Dublin).Donc, mon 2e choix, qui n'en est pas moins meilleur, est: Zoli de Colum Mc Cann. He finished the bottle.
In the early winter of '58, Elena left him. His marriage had been unravelling for a while - he had started to think that he was becoming a caricature in her cartoons, a small fat man with an axe to grind.
Now, I can ask 3 of you to Pay It Forward. Let me think... Isabelle, Clo and Sylvie!
A mon tour de demander à 3 d'entre vous de vous y coller! Je réfléchis... Allez, Isabelle, Clo & Sylvie!